Pension guaranteed rate of 5% and declared rate 2021 11%
Enjoy your retirement
stress free
Dial *828# to buy cover Now.*Cover also available on our Madison Group MiniApp on
Safaricom Mpesa App.
This is a product designed to pool funds belonging to employees/members through an employer, associations & organizations or individuals belonging to an investment club, a welfare society etc with an option of enjoining a life cover to run concurrently.
The pooled funds will be invested in high yielding investment vehicles through the use of a professional fund manager.
Key Features
- There is no maximum term
- The funds shall be available for partial withdrawal subject to policy provisions.
Contributions to the fund are flexible and can be single or annual injection of funds or regular contributions.
The minimum membership is 5 people.
Individual membership to the fund shall be through the groups.
Entry to the scheme for new members will be open once the scheme has commenced.
The product shall operate as a pooled fund. The funds shall be invested to achieve the following:
- High returns
- Guarantee of capital and interest at maturity. The minimum guarantee is 5%
Fund value statements shall be issued at scheme level and to individual members at the end of the year (of 12 months’ period).
Commencement of policy shall be the first day of the month.
Partial Withdrawals
The Partial Withdrawal option is available to both sponsor and members before maturity of the policy.
- Group proposal form
- Pin Number
- Certificate of incorporation
- Membership application forms
- Copies of ID for members
When does one retire?
The normal retirement age is 60 years; however early retirement is allowed at 50 years.
Will I access full benefits at retirement?
Yes, this is a provident fund that allows you to access 100% of your own contribution and 100% of employer’s contribution at retirement or early retirement at 50 years.
Can I access my funds before retirement?
Where a member leaves employment before attaining the specified early retirement age, that member may opt for payment of not more than fifty per cent of his total accrued benefits and the investment income that has accrued in respect of those contributions.
How much should I contribute?
The minimum contribution per month is Kshs. 500 per month. Quarterly, half yearly, annual or single contributions are also allowed. Members can also transfer funds from other schemes and consolidate them under one policy.
What happens if contributions stop?
The fund shall continue to earn interest without any penalty.