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Madison Money Market Fund Daily Yield: 12.80% Effective Annual Yield: 13.66% Madison Fixed Income Fund Daily Yield: 13.13% Effective Annual Yield: 14.03% Madison Wealth Fund Weekly Average Daily Yield: 13.76% Weekly Average Effective Annual Yield: 14.75%

Are you worried about damage or loss to your valuables as a result of forceful or violent breaking and entering to your property?

Our Burglary Insurance policy provides compensation in the event of:

  1. Loss of or damage to the property insured caused by theft following actual forcible and violent entry into or exit from the premises.  
  2. Any damage to the premises as a result of attempted or actual forcible and violent entry into or exit from the premises

The claims are settled either by paying cash, reinstating, repairing or replacing such loss or damage

Burglar hitting camera with piece of metal in hand inside a living room at night

This policy shall not cover any loss or damage where any member of your household or your employee is involved directly or indirectly as principal or accomplice or with your knowledge or secret involvement.

Due to the nature of this policy – we recommend you pair it with our Fidelity Guarantee policy – for business owners or employers.

Protect your home. Protect your business. Protect it with Madison.

For any inquiries or assistance, feel free to contact us. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

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